We are waiting to help!

ADDRESSBD.XYZ is a free site where we are waiting to help our visitors. We are trying to make any address available in our site. Hope we will not disappoint our visitors. Our effort will never be stopped. Rest is up to our visitors. On the other hand, all the business firms as well as companies,…

We are new but going to be ‘UNIQUE’

Dear All, We are new in this field of address repository of Bangladesh. But our aim is to be unique. Hopefully we will be able to do so if we get your full and cordial support. Our relationship with our readers and visitors is vice-versa. We know without having a better information quality, visitors will…

Hello Friends!

Dear Visitors, This is my personal effort to collect all the addresses of Bangladesh in one platform. I am grateful to you for visiting my site. If I get your inspiration, I hope I will be able to grow this site day by day. If anyone of you wants to see your business address on…

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